
licenseProject Status

Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. Python Badge PyPi Dependency

QRcode Generator and Reader

Welcome to QRcode Generator and Reader’s documentation! Here, I shall give an overview of all the steps you need to know to get started with this project.




This mini project is divided in two parts ,i.e,Qrcode Generator and Qrcode Reader respectively.  

Technical Stack


Installing required Plugins

The installation procedure is written keeping anaconda distribution as the base. However you can install the given plugins in any distribution.

Open the anaconda prompt and activate your environment (if you prefer to work in any other virtual environment other than base) by typing the following command.

conda activate your_env_name  

Run the given command in the anaconda prompt to install pyzbar.

pip install pyzbar  

A list of package to be installed or to be updated shall appear on terminal and you will be prompted to select [y/n].Select y and press Enter.Now wait till the package is installed .  

Run the given command in the anaconda prompt to install pyzbar.

pip install PyQRCode  

Run the given commands in the anaconda prompt to install PIL(pillow).

pip install --upgrade pip setuptools wheel --user
pip install pillow --user

Webbrowser is in-built in anaconda.  

As of now, this project runs on Python 3.x . Make sure that all the given should be installed in any of your python distributions. To start the program first clone this github repository.  

Steps to generate Qrcode

First open your IDE and activate the virtual environment in which all the plugins are installed

If everything worked so far, the png image should be made in the directory. Open the image and it should look something like this:  


Steps to read Qrcode

First open your IDE and activate the virtual environment in which all the plugins are installed

If everything worked so far, the browser should open and display the website/message cooresponding to the qrcode.  


-PyPi: Qrcode

-PyPi: Pyzbar