About Me

Kritika Srivastava

I am Kritika Srivastava. I am an undergraduate student pursuing B.Tech in Electrical Engineering from National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur with current grade point of 9.33. Currently, I am working on Image Processing and OpenCV. My interest areas include Machine Learning, Deep Learning and IoT. I am a competitive programming enthusiast.

Educational Details

Google CloudReady Facilitator Program

Google Cloud Training

April 2021


Winter of Doing | Internship

January 2021
Full Stack development Training and Internship

The Sparks Foundation

IoT and Computer Vision Internship

December 2020
Internship in the field of IoT and Computer Vision

The Sparks Foundation

Data Science and Business Analytics Internship

October 2020
Internship in the field of Data Science and Business Analytics

National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur

Bachelors of Technology , Electrical Engineering

July 2018 - Present
Undergraduate Student

St. Joseph's School, Greater Noida

12th, ISC Board, 91.2%

March 2018

St. Joseph's School,Greater Noida

10th, ICSE Board, 93.4%

March 2016

My Skills

My Projects


Drishti is basically a gesture to speech convertor DL model implemented in python and deployed using flask. It recognizes the hand gestures of the subject (in our case a person) and predicts the corresponding alphabet. We have also made the use of text to speech convertor to provide a voice enabled output.

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Sparks Foundation Tasks

This repository contains the tasks that I completed while working as an intern for The Sparks Foundation. Throughout the internship I have worked on various ML models like Decision tree classifier, Linear regression, K-Nearest neighbours and also created dashboards using tableau.

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The Conurbation Algorithm

This project is aimed at developing a fully functional featural city without distrupting the ecological density of the city. It is a further modification of the initial city generation model.This project is based on python and PyQt5.Developed city can be effectively visualised with blender as well.

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Land Stratification

Land cover classification has been one of the most common tasks in remote sensing as it is the foundation for many global and environmental applications.This project aims at generating a mosaic by stitching all the tif images together according to metadata and then extracting as well as isolating the vegetation cover of the generated mosaic of the region.

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Google PlaceID Reviews Scrapping

This is a python based webscrapping project that scrapes the reviews of a particular place from its placeID. It makes the use of JSON and requests along with the Google API Key to scrap the latest 5 reviews of a particular place on the globe.

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Game of Life

This java project is based on is a 'cellular automaton', and was invented by Cambridge mathematician John Conway. It consists of a collection of cells which, based on a few mathematical rules, can live, die or multiply. Depending on the initial conditions, the cells form various patterns throughout the course of the game.

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Optical Character Recognition

The given OCR model has been implemented using two methods -> 1. By using tesseract. 2. By an OpenCV and a DL model.

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Tic Tac Toe

This mini project, written in java, is the console based replication of the very famous Cross and Knoughts game.

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Java Competitive Coding

This repository contains all the problems that I solve on various competitive coding platforms.

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Random Password Generator

This the GUI based python Project for generating the different levels of passwords using the mixture of alphabets, numbers and special symbols.

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QR Code Generator and Scanner

QR code generator and Reader is a python based mini project for generating and scanning QR-Codes.

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Matlab and Simulink Projects

This is repository contains the project files of MATLAB/ Simulink projects that I made in B.Tech, 2nd Year.

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